Put Your Savings On Auto-Pilot With Payroll Deduction

Experience the power of small, smart savings steps every time you get paid.

We often think of saving for life’s big expenses as a painful sacrifice, but what if it were as easy as missing a fistful of dollars each pay period? Ask your HR/payroll office at work or a PEFCU staff expert about a recurring payroll deduction to kickstart your disciplined savings journey. Designate as little as $5 each pay period to help cover unplanned expenses, holiday travel or gifts, or the vacation of your daydreams.

Download an Auto Draft Form

Is a Safe Deposit Box right for you?

Rarely accessed, but critically needed

Some of life’s most important documents and keepsakes are those that are rarely used. One’s passport, the family heirloom string of pearls, the title to your uncle’s classic Porsche, granddad’s monogrammed handkerchief. All prized possessions that you want to protect, but perhaps don’t need to touch daily. Store them in a trusted location under lock-and-key with fireproof protection and 24/7/365 security. When you do need them, we’re glad to make them available to you on request. Reminder: dangerous and/or hazardous materials that pose a safety threat to PEFCU staff are prohibited.

Safe Deposit Boxes

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